Monthly Workshops
Second Saturday of the Month
10a.m. – 12:30p.m.
Nashville, Tennessee
Open to therapists and counselors
of all experience levels
An excellent way to become familiar
with the power of the symbolic language
Have you ever had a client who seemed stuck?
Jungian/Kalffian Sandplay can give your clients a powerful experience that bypasses the ego's defenses, going straight to the heart, moving in the direction of wholeness, and leaving them with a sense of peace.
If you are using sand and miniatures in your practice, we can help you deepen your understanding of the symbols in your clients' trays. We will provide a small group setting in which you are invited to share case material. Together we will analyze and discuss the images and content in sand tray scenes. This is an excellent way to become familiar with the power of the symbolic language.
We are certified in Jungian Sandplay Therapy and we are members of the International Society of Sandplay Therapists. We have many years of experience in studying Jungian psychology and we are happy to be able to offer training in the Nashville and Huntsville area.
The cost is $60 per person. Space is limited.
Additional trainings
Offered 6 times a year including Introduction to Sandplay Therapy, Jungian Theory, and Symbolism
What is Sandplay?
“It is a therapeutic method developed by Dora Kalff, in Switzerland. It is based on the psychological principals of C.G. Jung. Sandplay is a creative form of therapy using the imagination…. It is characterized by the use of sand, water and miniatures in the creation of images within a ‘free and protected space’ of the therapeutic relationship and the sand tray. A series of Sandplay images portrayed in the sand tray create an ongoing dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious aspects of the client’s psyche, which activates a healing process and the development of the personality. This therapeutic method may be successfully applied to individual work with both adults and children.”